
Spotlight’s consulting services provide strategic, forward-looking support for congregations who want to make change in order to be more effective. Whether the desired changes are in core program areas such as education and worship, or in ways of working such as communication and governance structures, Spotlight Consulting & Coaching helps congregations see new possibilities.  

Using a collaborative, upbeat approach, Spotlight works with both lay and professional leadership to assess the organization’s needs and determine the plan of action that suits their vision and their culture. Throughout the process, Spotlight emphasizes building internal capacity, so that the impact of our work together lasts far beyond our engagement.  Our passion is helping congregations make change in order to realize their most ambitious and boldest dreams.


One on one leadership coaching

Our clients invest in leadership coaching when they know there is something in their work life they would like to change. Maybe they need the courage to take bigger risks. Maybe they are transitioning to a new job and want the support of a coach as they get started. Maybe they want to improve in a particular area, such as supervision, communication, or time management. Maybe they feel stuck in the day-to-day challenges and want to reconnect with the vision and aspiration that led them to their career, and take concrete steps toward realizing them.

Organizations invest in leadership coaching for their mid-level and senior professionals because they want to accelerate their development, believe in their potential, and know that their organization will benefit from the high-energy, focused work on concrete goals that Spotlight's leadership coaching provides.

Cohort-based leadership coaching

Spotlight's cohort-based leadership coaching is perfect for those who love learning with and from peers and colleagues in a similar position.  Cohort-based offerings combine ongoing one-on-one coaching and facilitated group meetings to share and learn from one another. Cohorts are formed based on shared characteristics or interests, such as "rabbi-educators," "just graduated and starting a first job," or "moving past a plateau."

The Leadership Circle Profile™

Spotlight’s founder, Michelle Lynn-Sachs, is certified to administer The Leadership Circle Profile, a powerful 360˚ assessment and development tool for individual leaders. The LCP can be used as part of a coaching package or as a stand alone service.

The Leadership Circle Profile was developed and is owned by The Leadership Circle®.

All of our services are customized to your and your organization's needs.  

Contact us now to start the conversation.